Weight Loss

Discover a Personalized Path to Wellness with Our Unique Weight Loss Program at Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness

At Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness, Dr. Sanda Moldovan understands that weight loss is a deeply personal journey. That’s why she offers a scientifically-backed, personalized weight loss program tailored to your unique biological needs.

Experience the Power of Personalization

Our innovative approach begins with a simple yet powerful tool: breath analysis. This 10-15 minute test, available at our Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, and Encino locations, unlocks the secrets of your metabolism. By understanding how fast or slow your body processes calories, we can design a weight loss plan that’s perfectly aligned with your biology and fitness goals.

How Our Program Works

Metabolic Analysis Through Breath: Discover your metabolic rate to determine your optimal calorie intake.
Targeted Nutritional Guidance: We identify the specific foods that align with your body’s needs, helping to enhance your health and performance.
Sleep Evaluation: A sleep test is advised to ensure that optimal rest is a part of your weight loss journey. Untreated conditions like sleep apnea can significantly hinder weight loss efforts.
One-on-One Consultation: Meet with one of our expert breath analysts to discuss your goals, food preferences, and lifestyle.
Customized Nutrition and Fitness Plan: Receive a tailored plan that respects your tastes and aligns with your fitness objectives.
Follow-Up Analysis: A second breath analysis is recommended after three months to track your progress and adjust your plan as needed.

Why Choose Us?

Scientifically-Based Approach: Our program is grounded in medical science, ensuring effective and sustainable weight loss.
Holistic Health Focus: We consider all aspects of your health, from metabolism to sleep patterns.
Personalized Care: Every aspect of your weight loss journey is customized to suit your unique needs and preferences.
Accessible and Convenient: Easy testing is available at all our locations.

Begin Your Journey Today

If you’re ready to embrace a healthier, happier you, Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness is here to guide you every step of the way. Schedule your consultation today and start your transformation.

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Dr. Sanda Moldovan, Periodontist and Nutritionist

Dr. Sanda Moldovan, Periodontist and Nutritionist
Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness

An alumnus from the Ohio State University School of Dentistry, Dr. Moldovan is an extremely skilled and board certified professional who is internationally recognized for her wealth of knowledge, charity work and contribution to society. In addition to being a certified nutritionalist she is also a published author and speaker. She introduced ORASANA which is her own range of bio-compatible oral healthcare products.

Dr. Moldovan is an advocate of holistic dentistry and uses her public recognition to educate people on the link between good oral care and general wellbeing.

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