Personalized Nutrition

Elevate Your Well-being with Our Tailored Nutrition Program at Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness

At Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness, we believe that true wellness begins with personalized nutrition. Our cutting-edge program starts with comprehensive testing to create a diet plan that’s as unique as you are.

Embrace the Science of Personalized Nutrition

Our program combines a breath analysis with a blood test for micronutrient deficiencies, offering a complete picture of your nutritional needs. This dual approach allows us to craft a nutrition plan that precisely matches your body’s requirements.

Your Journey to Optimal Wellness

Advanced Breath Analysis: Discover how your body burns fats and carbohydrates, and find the right balance of macronutrients for your biology and fitness goals.
Micronutrient Blood Test: Identify any deficiencies in vitamins and minerals to ensure your body receives all the nutrients it needs.
Optimized Meal Timing: Our analysis helps determine the best times to eat for regulating hunger, minimizing sugar spikes, and maximizing training benefits.
Personalized Nutrition Plan: Receive a custom diet plan that aligns with your wellness goals, dietary preferences, and lifestyle.
Supplementation Strategy: Based on your tests, we recommend specific supplements to address any nutrient gaps in your diet.

Why Our Program Stands Out

Comprehensive Assessment: Our combination of breath and blood tests offers a holistic view of your nutritional needs.
Tailored to You: Every recommendation is customized to optimize your health and energy levels.
Science-Backed Guidance: Our program is grounded in the latest nutritional science for effective and sustainable wellness.
Continuous Support: Our team is dedicated to guiding you through your wellness journey with ongoing advice and adjustments.

Start Your Personalized Nutrition Journey

Ready to unlock the power of personalized nutrition? Schedule your consultation with Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness today, and take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you.

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Dr. Sanda Moldovan, Periodontist and Nutritionist

Dr. Sanda Moldovan, Periodontist and Nutritionist
Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness

An alumnus from the Ohio State University School of Dentistry, Dr. Moldovan is an extremely skilled and board certified professional who is internationally recognized for her wealth of knowledge, charity work and contribution to society. In addition to being a certified nutritionalist she is also a published author and speaker. She introduced ORASANA which is her own range of bio-compatible oral healthcare products.

Dr. Moldovan is an advocate of holistic dentistry and uses her public recognition to educate people on the link between good oral care and general wellbeing.

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