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Smile with non-metal crowns from Beverly Hills, CA holistic dental practice

The team of biological professionals at Dental Health and Wellness Beverly Hills is pleased to offer non-metal crowns, inlays and onlays for healthy, attractive smiles in southern CA.

What is a dental crown, inlay or onlay?

A porcelain piece that covers the entire or partial portion of a prepared tooth. Dental crowns have many applications:

  • Cosmetic enhancement of a tooth that has unusual shape or stubborn discoloration.
  • Restore function of a broken tooth or one with a small or large area of decay.
  • Protect a tooth that has had root canal therapy.
  • Complete a dental implant restoration.
  • Anchor a dental bridge in place.

Porcelain Crowns Before and After results of actual patients

Types of crowns

Throughout history, dental crowns have been made of many materials. Today,  our dentists use the best biocompatible choices:

  • Zirconia – A durable option for posterior teeth,  that reduces plaque accumulation around the teeth.
  • Porcelain Layered Zirconia – a more esthetic option, great for anterior teeth
  • Emax – a durable lithium desilicated ceramic, that allows us to imitate the natural beauty of tooth structure

Solving dental crown problems

Our non-metal crowns are precision milled from a solid block of zirconium oxide. This dental crown material solves many of the problems associated with other types. It looks completely natural, mimicking the translucency and light-reflecting qualities of tooth enamel. Plus, there is no dark line where the crown meets the gum tissue.

Zirconia crowns carry no chance of allergy, metal reactivity or galvanic current in the mouth. Risk of chipping or breakage is less than a porcelain crown with a metal core. Because the crown is made from exacting images and measurements taken with a 3D digital impression scanner, the fit is meticulous. This reduces the risk of irritation at the gum line that could lead to periodontal disease or tooth decay. Zirconia is strong enough for molar restorations that take a great deal of bite force.

Schedule a visit to our office in Beverly Hills, CA to learn more about non-metal crowns. Call (310) 692-7855.

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Dr. Sanda Moldovan, Periodontist and Nutritionist

Dr. Sanda Moldovan, Periodontist and Nutritionist
Beverly Hills Dental Health and Wellness

An alumnus from the Ohio State University School of Dentistry, Dr. Moldovan is an extremely skilled and board certified professional who is internationally recognized for her wealth of knowledge, charity work and contribution to society. In addition to being a certified nutritionalist she is also a published author and speaker. She introduced ORASANA which is her own range of bio-compatible oral healthcare products.

Dr. Moldovan is an advocate of holistic dentistry and uses her public recognition to educate people on the link between good oral care and general wellbeing. Connect with Dr. Sanda Moldovan on LinkedIn.

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