Most people experience about two weeks of healing time following
Platelets are a component of blood that serve as reservoirs of cytokines and growth factors. Platelets are essential for renewal of bone and healing of soft tissues. Platelet-rich fibrin is a concentration of platelets from your own blood.
This therapeutic tissue engineering alternative is biocompatible to living tissues, non-toxic, and has no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection.
Obtaining and preparing PRF is quick and virtually painless:
The faster healing induced by PRF regeneration reduces the risk of infection, dry socket, and cavitations. It improves the success rate of grafting and implants. This therapy is vital for individuals with impaired ability to heal, including smokers, diabetics, and those with other health conditions.
For safe PRF regeneration, call the progressive team at Dental Health and Wellness Beverly Hills – (310) 692-7855.